Saturday, July 5, 2008

LifePoint Church Mission Statement

Ashlyn Frick getting ready to "get busy" on some hot dogs!

Chris and Owen Frick....grinnin'.

Sunday Worship at LifePoint

Lunch at our house after Sunday Worship

In this article I’m going to do my best to tell you what our mission statement at LifePoint is all about. Here goes.

LifePoint Mission: To meet the spiritual needs of our generation by telling and living the story of Jesus Christ.

Is it just me or are Americans these days tons more open to spirituality while being more closed to religion for the sake of ritualism and culture preservation? I think so. Perhaps this sea change is because high profile, opportunistic people the likes of Tom Cruise and Madonna champion their respective faiths of Scientology and Kabbalah in a very public way. Deepak Chopra in the meantime is selling books like crazy while constantly yakking at millions of viewers from the set of Oprah. There's more. Would you believe that spirituality has also crept into the business world? Scandalous I say! I was reading a book the other day on networking called "Never Eat Alone" by a really successful entrepreneur named KeithFerazzi. Keith said that while considering a career change he actually took a Vipassana meditation retreat where he sat for ten hours each day for ten days straight-in silence! (I know you can think of 10 people right now that you would love to sign up for one of those.)

We at LifePoint Church believe that the world today does have a desire to get in touch with the part of their being that is spiritual. It seems to me that more and more people buy into the idea that when one is spiritually fulfilled, everything else follows suit. Many in this generation realize that money, power, fame, success, etc., are overrated. People want to be happy and they want their families to jive. They want spiritual fulfillment.

Although we at LifePoint have respect for other faith groups, we also believe that faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His plan to redeem the sins of mankind is the only way to truly fill the spiritual dearth in the human soul. I will say that we do not believe that "institutionalized Christianity" is the answer. Many times, this type of Christianity is clothed in self-righteousness, non-spiritual traditions, and, quite honestly, a bit of hate. When the true spirit of Christ’s message does manage to wrangle itself free from human motives, however, it really, really works.

Our passion at LifePoint Church is to burn off any dross that the business of Christianity has attached to the story of Jesus over the last couple of millennia and tell it like it was. We want to tell Ruston that Jesus was firm in His message and convictions regarding sinful humanity. Yet, His compassion for all of us was unrivaled. He unselfishly submitted Himself to torture, public shame, and Roman-style execution in order to provide mankind with the opportunity to be free of our spiritual ailments. Now, because of His aforementioned sacrifice, when we have faith in him and follow His plan, our addictions, anger, depression, worry, and whatever else may plague our minds and bodies gets kicked to the curb. There are people in Ruston who wish to hear this story; we wish to tell it to them.

In our nation, sadly, many people have developed a cynical stance toward Christianity and immediately throw up walls before we get three sentences into promoting Jesus to them. I think there are two major reasons for this unfortunate occurrence. First of all, our society has witnessed numerous, juicy, scandals among Christian ministers. Secondly, and probably the more damaging of the two, is that our society comes in contact with people every day that, while claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ, put forth attitudes of self-righteousness, traditionalism, and spiritual apathy. When these vibes are projected in the name of Christianity it has a repelling effect on all who feel them.

LifePoint Church, although we will never be perfect in word and deed, feels that Jesus has placed a responsibility on us not only to tell His story, but live it out publicly as well. Before we are broadcasters of Christ, we want to be followers of Christ. Before we open our mouths in utterance of such topics as Salvation, Christ’s' Second Advent, and the New Birth, we desire to communicate feelings of spiritual passion, compassion, and love to our society. After all, Jesus did say: By this will all know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another (John 13:35).

It is our prayer that God gives us the grace to live out Jesus' teachings in such a way that we are attractive to our friends and neighbors. As we follow Him, we will look for every opportunity to tell His story and its implications on life in 21st century. Then, just maybe, someone's odyssey will end happily as they find the spiritual birth that we were blessed to, not all that long ago.


Anonymous said...

"When the true spirit of Christ’s message does manage to wrangle itself free from human motives, however, it really, really works." YES, YES, and a resounding YES! May God bless LifePoint Church as they tell and live ths story of Jesus Christ!!!'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome mission statement!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog... It's amazing to see what God is doing! I love to see when people "get" it -- it's ALL about JESUS! Keep up the great work -- God is going to bless this church!!